This is truly the final sign that the apocalypse is upon us: Nadya Suleman, the infamous "octomom", has inked a deal with the British production company Eyeworks, which plans to begin filming a reality TV series based on the human Pez dispenser and her 14 turkey-baster children.
I surrender. The level of stupidity has just exceeded what the meter is capable of registering. It's a travesty that this stupid bimbo is being rewarded for irresponsible and unacceptable behavior. Besides, isn't child prostitution illegal? So far there haven't been any takers among the American TV networks. Let's just pray that doesn't change. The last thing America needs is another "reality" show based on the life of some idiot who has never made a positive contribution to society and shows no capacity for ever doing so.
Suleman told 'People' magazine, "I'm really excited about moving forward with this." Really? Imagine that. The unemployed baby factory is excited that someone wants to pay her for having done something so unimaginably stupid. And if the whole TV deal weren't bad enough it just got worse. Suleman has just recently finalized a deal with ghostwriter Wendy Leigh to write her autobiography! I'd be willing to bet she had to hire a ghostwriter because she couldn't spell 'cat' if you spotted her the 'c' and the 't'.
I'd like to suggest the following: 1) The execs at Eyeworks and Wendy Leigh should be exiled to the Antarctic wearing nothing but bathing suits for promoting this moron and validating her socially degrading behavior. 2) The California courts should seriously look at taking these 14 children away from their psychopath mother and placing them with adoptive families who would love them and raise them with proper moral values and not exploit them as a meal ticket. 3) The doctor that artificially inseminated her should be beaten with a brick bat for helping this mental midget conceive eight more children when she already had six others that she couldn't take care of. 4) Nadya Suleman's uterus should be removed, burned and the ashes scattered at sea so she can never do something this asinine again!
When is the dumbing down of society going to stop? We're heading toward a future where intellect is shunned and the half-witted cretins will rule the world. Shouldn't we have matured past this sort of thing by now? When I was 12 seeing monkeys fling feces at each other in the zoo was funny. Now it's just gross. Maybe if we start ignoring stupidity of this magnitude it will go away. I beg of you don't ever watch even two seconds of this TV show and by no means ever purchase and/or read the book. If you're one of the fools that buys into this garbage you're even dumber than she is.
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