Someone a lot smarter than me said this:

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Activist or Douche-Bag? You Decide.

What do polio, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and video games have in common? Well, if you're a mature, rational adult they have nothing in common. But if you're FORMER attorney, whining activist and dork Jack Thompson then crippling diseases and sneak attack bombings are a picnic compared to video games.

"Grand Theft Auto is the worst assault on children since polio," says the FORMER attorney who was permanently disbarred in Florida in 2008 for inappropriate conduct, including making false statements to tribunals and disparaging and humiliating litigants. Hmm, worst assault on children since polio...never mind hunger, homelessness, abuse, abandonment and myriad other diseases that afflict children. If we could just get rid of Grand Theft Auto then all children could live "Happily ever after." I'm not sure what Jack is smoking but I'm pretty certain it's not for sale legally in the United States. Polio is a disease that attacks the nervous system causing everything from temporary paralysis to a slow agonizing death. Polio can leave the person infected with it unable to breath on their own and force them into an "iron lung" for anywhere from a few weeks to the rest of their lives. But hey, how bad is being in an iron lung compared to the horrors of GTA?

Thompson has described the proliferation of games by Sony, a Japanese company, as "Pearl Harbor 2". For those of you not familiar with Pearl Harbor 1 it happened on December 7, 1941 when the Japanese Navy launched a sneak attack against the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. By the time the attack was over the US had lost four battleships, three cruisers, three destroyers, one mine-layer, 188 aircraft, and caused personnel losses of 2,402 killed and 1,282 wounded. Oh, and it also led the US to take direct military action against the Axis Powers for the next four years in a little squabble known as World War II. But again, according to Mr. Thompson, this pales in comparison to the carnage being wrought by the gaming industry.

Note to Mr. Thompson: Shut the hell up!! If you've got issues with violent video games that's fine. Your view on the issue is so far out in right field that you can't even be seen by the fans sitting behind home plate. Please for the love of all that's decent stop comparing violent games to degenerative diseases and military engagements where brave men and women died defending their country.

I am a video game geek. I enjoy all types of games including the violent ones. Would I let my ten year old play them? Of course not. Nor would I let my ten year old go into an adult book store or watch a rated 'R' movie. These games are rated 'M' for mature for a reason and they should not be sold to anyone under 17. But it's not the fault of the game producers for making these games it's the fault of the parents if they let their kids play these games. Blaming game makers for kids playing these games would be like me blaming McDonald's for my expansive back-side. So moms and dads take responsibility for what your children see and hear and maybe jack-ass idiots like Jack Thompson will get bored and go play in traffic.

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