This is truly the final sign that the apocalypse is upon us: Nadya Suleman, the infamous "octomom", has inked a deal with the British production company Eyeworks, which plans to begin filming a reality TV series based on the human Pez dispenser and her 14 turkey-baster children.
I surrender. The level of stupidity has just exceeded what the meter is capable of registering. It's a travesty that this stupid bimbo is being rewarded for irresponsible and unacceptable behavior. Besides, isn't child prostitution illegal? So far there haven't been any takers among the American TV networks. Let's just pray that doesn't change. The last thing America needs is another "reality" show based on the life of some idiot who has never made a positive contribution to society and shows no capacity for ever doing so.
Suleman told 'People' magazine, "I'm really excited about moving forward with this." Really? Imagine that. The unemployed baby factory is excited that someone wants to pay her for having done something so unimaginably stupid. And if the whole TV deal weren't bad enough it just got worse. Suleman has just recently finalized a deal with ghostwriter Wendy Leigh to write her autobiography! I'd be willing to bet she had to hire a ghostwriter because she couldn't spell 'cat' if you spotted her the 'c' and the 't'.
I'd like to suggest the following: 1) The execs at Eyeworks and Wendy Leigh should be exiled to the Antarctic wearing nothing but bathing suits for promoting this moron and validating her socially degrading behavior. 2) The California courts should seriously look at taking these 14 children away from their psychopath mother and placing them with adoptive families who would love them and raise them with proper moral values and not exploit them as a meal ticket. 3) The doctor that artificially inseminated her should be beaten with a brick bat for helping this mental midget conceive eight more children when she already had six others that she couldn't take care of. 4) Nadya Suleman's uterus should be removed, burned and the ashes scattered at sea so she can never do something this asinine again!
When is the dumbing down of society going to stop? We're heading toward a future where intellect is shunned and the half-witted cretins will rule the world. Shouldn't we have matured past this sort of thing by now? When I was 12 seeing monkeys fling feces at each other in the zoo was funny. Now it's just gross. Maybe if we start ignoring stupidity of this magnitude it will go away. I beg of you don't ever watch even two seconds of this TV show and by no means ever purchase and/or read the book. If you're one of the fools that buys into this garbage you're even dumber than she is.
Someone a lot smarter than me said this:
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Activist or Douche-Bag? You Decide.
What do polio, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and video games have in common? Well, if you're a mature, rational adult they have nothing in common. But if you're FORMER attorney, whining activist and dork Jack Thompson then crippling diseases and sneak attack bombings are a picnic compared to video games.
"Grand Theft Auto is the worst assault on children since polio," says the FORMER attorney who was permanently disbarred in Florida in 2008 for inappropriate conduct, including making false statements to tribunals and disparaging and humiliating litigants. Hmm, worst assault on children since polio...never mind hunger, homelessness, abuse, abandonment and myriad other diseases that afflict children. If we could just get rid of Grand Theft Auto then all children could live "Happily ever after." I'm not sure what Jack is smoking but I'm pretty certain it's not for sale legally in the United States. Polio is a disease that attacks the nervous system causing everything from temporary paralysis to a slow agonizing death. Polio can leave the person infected with it unable to breath on their own and force them into an "iron lung" for anywhere from a few weeks to the rest of their lives. But hey, how bad is being in an iron lung compared to the horrors of GTA?
Thompson has described the proliferation of games by Sony, a Japanese company, as "Pearl Harbor 2". For those of you not familiar with Pearl Harbor 1 it happened on December 7, 1941 when the Japanese Navy launched a sneak attack against the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. By the time the attack was over the US had lost four battleships, three cruisers, three destroyers, one mine-layer, 188 aircraft, and caused personnel losses of 2,402 killed and 1,282 wounded. Oh, and it also led the US to take direct military action against the Axis Powers for the next four years in a little squabble known as World War II. But again, according to Mr. Thompson, this pales in comparison to the carnage being wrought by the gaming industry.
Note to Mr. Thompson: Shut the hell up!! If you've got issues with violent video games that's fine. Your view on the issue is so far out in right field that you can't even be seen by the fans sitting behind home plate. Please for the love of all that's decent stop comparing violent games to degenerative diseases and military engagements where brave men and women died defending their country.
I am a video game geek. I enjoy all types of games including the violent ones. Would I let my ten year old play them? Of course not. Nor would I let my ten year old go into an adult book store or watch a rated 'R' movie. These games are rated 'M' for mature for a reason and they should not be sold to anyone under 17. But it's not the fault of the game producers for making these games it's the fault of the parents if they let their kids play these games. Blaming game makers for kids playing these games would be like me blaming McDonald's for my expansive back-side. So moms and dads take responsibility for what your children see and hear and maybe jack-ass idiots like Jack Thompson will get bored and go play in traffic.
"Grand Theft Auto is the worst assault on children since polio," says the FORMER attorney who was permanently disbarred in Florida in 2008 for inappropriate conduct, including making false statements to tribunals and disparaging and humiliating litigants. Hmm, worst assault on children since polio...never mind hunger, homelessness, abuse, abandonment and myriad other diseases that afflict children. If we could just get rid of Grand Theft Auto then all children could live "Happily ever after." I'm not sure what Jack is smoking but I'm pretty certain it's not for sale legally in the United States. Polio is a disease that attacks the nervous system causing everything from temporary paralysis to a slow agonizing death. Polio can leave the person infected with it unable to breath on their own and force them into an "iron lung" for anywhere from a few weeks to the rest of their lives. But hey, how bad is being in an iron lung compared to the horrors of GTA?
Thompson has described the proliferation of games by Sony, a Japanese company, as "Pearl Harbor 2". For those of you not familiar with Pearl Harbor 1 it happened on December 7, 1941 when the Japanese Navy launched a sneak attack against the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. By the time the attack was over the US had lost four battleships, three cruisers, three destroyers, one mine-layer, 188 aircraft, and caused personnel losses of 2,402 killed and 1,282 wounded. Oh, and it also led the US to take direct military action against the Axis Powers for the next four years in a little squabble known as World War II. But again, according to Mr. Thompson, this pales in comparison to the carnage being wrought by the gaming industry.
Note to Mr. Thompson: Shut the hell up!! If you've got issues with violent video games that's fine. Your view on the issue is so far out in right field that you can't even be seen by the fans sitting behind home plate. Please for the love of all that's decent stop comparing violent games to degenerative diseases and military engagements where brave men and women died defending their country.
I am a video game geek. I enjoy all types of games including the violent ones. Would I let my ten year old play them? Of course not. Nor would I let my ten year old go into an adult book store or watch a rated 'R' movie. These games are rated 'M' for mature for a reason and they should not be sold to anyone under 17. But it's not the fault of the game producers for making these games it's the fault of the parents if they let their kids play these games. Blaming game makers for kids playing these games would be like me blaming McDonald's for my expansive back-side. So moms and dads take responsibility for what your children see and hear and maybe jack-ass idiots like Jack Thompson will get bored and go play in traffic.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Bonny Eagle High BOZOS!
This has to be in the top two most unfair, ridiculous, overreacting, block-headed things I've ever heard of! This happened at Bonny Eagle High School in Standish, Maine. Here we have an auditorium full of seniors and their families bursting with excitement because they're about to close one big chapter of their lives and begin an even bigger chapter. One young man, Justin Denney, was waiting to receive his diploma and when his name was called he took a bow and blew a kiss to his family and friends. Nothing outrageous, no obscene gestures and he didn't drop his pants and moon the school board. No, he blew a kiss to his family and then District Superintendent Suzanne Lukas told Justin to return to his seat and told him he would not be receiving his diploma!
Prior to the ceremony students and parents signed agreements that there would not be any "misbehavior" during graduation. I've watched the video of this "incident" and this young man did nothing to warrant having a petty, power drunk school administrator withhold his diploma. She had no right to deny Justin his diploma and deny his family seeing him graduate.
I could understand his diploma being withheld if he had behaved in an inappropriate manner but his actions were not inappropriate by any definition of the word. All Justin wants is what he deserves, his diploma. All his mother wants is what she deserves, to see her son graduate and to receive an apology from this Bozo Superintendent.
So far this tyrannical administrator has not issued any statements, talked to any media or done the right thing by giving Justin his diploma. So maybe we can help these people out. Here's some contact information for Bonny Eagle High School:
BEHS Website:
Superintendent, Suzanne Lukas:
Principle, Beth Schultz:
Asst. Principal, Lori Napolitano:
Asst Principal, Kevin Harrington:
Asst Principal, Mike LaGage:
Let's carpet bomb these people with e-mails and/or phone calls and gently persuade them to climb down off their high horse and do the right thing.
Prior to the ceremony students and parents signed agreements that there would not be any "misbehavior" during graduation. I've watched the video of this "incident" and this young man did nothing to warrant having a petty, power drunk school administrator withhold his diploma. She had no right to deny Justin his diploma and deny his family seeing him graduate.
I could understand his diploma being withheld if he had behaved in an inappropriate manner but his actions were not inappropriate by any definition of the word. All Justin wants is what he deserves, his diploma. All his mother wants is what she deserves, to see her son graduate and to receive an apology from this Bozo Superintendent.
So far this tyrannical administrator has not issued any statements, talked to any media or done the right thing by giving Justin his diploma. So maybe we can help these people out. Here's some contact information for Bonny Eagle High School:
BEHS Website:
Superintendent, Suzanne Lukas:
Principle, Beth Schultz:
Asst. Principal, Lori Napolitano:
Asst Principal, Kevin Harrington:
Asst Principal, Mike LaGage:
Let's carpet bomb these people with e-mails and/or phone calls and gently persuade them to climb down off their high horse and do the right thing.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I Am Xenu. You Will Be Assimilated.
OK, if you happen to be reading this and you're a Scientologist prepare to be pissed off.
Recently, while watching the History Channel, I saw a very interesting commercial telling me that I could be happy. That my life could be so much more. That I could know the "Truth". Well, for a millisecond I actually thought the "Truth" being referred to was the word of God as given to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...boy was I mistaken. This "Truth" was the word of L. Ron Hubbard as given to us by L. Ron Hubbard who wasn't anything but a failed naval officer, an alcoholic and a mediocre science fiction writer.
I'm by no means an expert, but like any good blogger I turned to the greatness of Wikipedia to do a little research. Most of what I already knew about Scientology I learned from a very funny episode of "South Park" that pissed off Scientologists so much they threatened legal action of every form and fashion. The reason it pissed them off so much I've learned is because it was TRUE! These people are absolutely, certifiably NUTS!! The following is a very small fraction of what these lunatics actually believe.
Xenu was, according to science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in DC 8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Scientology holds that the essences of these many people (Thetans) remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm.
The Xenu story is part of the Church of Scientology's secret "Advanced Technology", normally only revealed to members who have already contributed large amounts of money. The Church avoids mention of Xenu in public statements and has gone to considerable effort to maintain the story's confidentiality, including legal action on the grounds of both copyright and trade secrecy. Despite this, much material on Xenu has leaked to the public via court documents, copies of Hubbard's notes, and the Internet.
To me this sounds like the script for a really bad 1950's sci-fi movie. I mean it was conceived by a science fiction writer, right? Let me boil this down to a simple fact: If you are a follower of this nonsense you are following the teachings of a person that wrote science fiction stories! Hubbard was a writer! This crap sprang forth from his imagination! The problem isn't the science fiction story. I love sci-fi. I'm a sci-fi geek. The problem is the guy that imagined it was so mentally unstable that he started believing it! Then he actually got other idiots to believe it! And what about this little nugget: In 1967, Hubbard resigned as executive director of the Church and appointed himself "Commodore" of a small fleet of Scientologist-crewed ships that spent the next eight years cruising the Mediterranean Sea. During this time, Hubbard formed the religious order known as the "Sea Organization" or "Sea Org" with titles and uniforms. He was attended by "Commodore's Messengers"; teenage girls who performed various tasks for him, such as fixing his shower, dressing him, and catching the ash from his cigarettes.
I could go on for days about the other things this lunatic did and believed but back to the TV commercial. If these dorks are advertising again that means their membership is down and they're not raking in the cash like they were. And Tom Cruise and John Travolta can't fund this cult by themselves. Now we have a whole new generation of mental midgets exposed to this nonsense. So here's what I'm proposing: If you're approached by someone wanting to tell you about the life changing miracle of "Dianetics" (or whatever garbage they're selling now) simply smile, say no thanks and then with all the strength you can possibly muster SLAP THE STUPID OUT THEM! And If I turn up missing in the next few days check the trunk of Tom Cruise's car.
Recently, while watching the History Channel, I saw a very interesting commercial telling me that I could be happy. That my life could be so much more. That I could know the "Truth". Well, for a millisecond I actually thought the "Truth" being referred to was the word of God as given to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...boy was I mistaken. This "Truth" was the word of L. Ron Hubbard as given to us by L. Ron Hubbard who wasn't anything but a failed naval officer, an alcoholic and a mediocre science fiction writer.
I'm by no means an expert, but like any good blogger I turned to the greatness of Wikipedia to do a little research. Most of what I already knew about Scientology I learned from a very funny episode of "South Park" that pissed off Scientologists so much they threatened legal action of every form and fashion. The reason it pissed them off so much I've learned is because it was TRUE! These people are absolutely, certifiably NUTS!! The following is a very small fraction of what these lunatics actually believe.
Xenu was, according to science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in DC 8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Scientology holds that the essences of these many people (Thetans) remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm.
The Xenu story is part of the Church of Scientology's secret "Advanced Technology", normally only revealed to members who have already contributed large amounts of money. The Church avoids mention of Xenu in public statements and has gone to considerable effort to maintain the story's confidentiality, including legal action on the grounds of both copyright and trade secrecy. Despite this, much material on Xenu has leaked to the public via court documents, copies of Hubbard's notes, and the Internet.
To me this sounds like the script for a really bad 1950's sci-fi movie. I mean it was conceived by a science fiction writer, right? Let me boil this down to a simple fact: If you are a follower of this nonsense you are following the teachings of a person that wrote science fiction stories! Hubbard was a writer! This crap sprang forth from his imagination! The problem isn't the science fiction story. I love sci-fi. I'm a sci-fi geek. The problem is the guy that imagined it was so mentally unstable that he started believing it! Then he actually got other idiots to believe it! And what about this little nugget: In 1967, Hubbard resigned as executive director of the Church and appointed himself "Commodore" of a small fleet of Scientologist-crewed ships that spent the next eight years cruising the Mediterranean Sea. During this time, Hubbard formed the religious order known as the "Sea Organization" or "Sea Org" with titles and uniforms. He was attended by "Commodore's Messengers"; teenage girls who performed various tasks for him, such as fixing his shower, dressing him, and catching the ash from his cigarettes.
I could go on for days about the other things this lunatic did and believed but back to the TV commercial. If these dorks are advertising again that means their membership is down and they're not raking in the cash like they were. And Tom Cruise and John Travolta can't fund this cult by themselves. Now we have a whole new generation of mental midgets exposed to this nonsense. So here's what I'm proposing: If you're approached by someone wanting to tell you about the life changing miracle of "Dianetics" (or whatever garbage they're selling now) simply smile, say no thanks and then with all the strength you can possibly muster SLAP THE STUPID OUT THEM! And If I turn up missing in the next few days check the trunk of Tom Cruise's car.
Friday, June 5, 2009
My Campaign to be Sports Czar
My fellow Earthicans. I'm officially announcing my candidacy for the office of Imperial Grand Commissioner of All Things Sport. This job will come with the daunting task of fixing everything that's broke in sports. It's a massive job but I'm up to it! Here are some of the changes I will implement during my first 100 days in office (this is a life-time post).
Performance Enhancing Substances - Any player in any sport at any level found to be using/used PES's will be banned from all sport for life, have any official records purged from the record books, forced to work the night shift at Denny's as a wait-person dealing with the drunks that come in at 3am & always stiff on the tip. Minimum sentence 20 years and a boot to the head.
Gambling - Any player, coach, referee, umpire, judge or official of any sport at any level found to be wagering on their sport will be banned from all sport for life, forced to work on the loading dock at Home Depot for a minimum of 20 years and receive a boot to the head.
Rooting Requirements of the Fan - In order for a particular team to be your favorite team you must meet the following requirements:
1. You must reside or have resided in the city or state where that team is located. If there is no team in your state you must root for the team located the closest to your residence.
2. If rooting for a college team you must reside/resided in that school's city or state. If there is no MAJOR college in your state you must root for the school located the closest to your residence. If you take classes on-line from a particular school you are allowed to root for that team.
3. Just because a family member can legally root for a team does not mean you are allowed to do so.
Any person found to be rooting illegally will not be allowed access to a TV whenever that team is playing, any team branded apparel will be confiscated and the offender will receive a boot to the head.
Proper Wearing of Baseball or Baseball Style Caps - Baseball caps will be worn with the bill to the front and level at ALL times. The only exceptions are:
1. Boys under the age of six are permitted to wear them backwards but are not allowed to wear them sideways.
2. The person playing the position of catcher in baseball or softball is allowed to wear their cap backwards only while playing that position in the field.
3. Females of any age are allowed to wear their hats backwards but they may not wear them sideways.
Any person found to be in violation of this rule will have their hats confiscated, fined $500 and receive a boot to the head.
General Manager of the Dallas Cowboys - Jerry Jones is hereby ordered to relinquish all coaching personnel and player personnel authority. He is also banned from appearing on the sidelines at any point while the game is in progress. Failure to follow this edict will result in a $500 million fine, his toupee being removed in public and a boot to the head.
Ownership of the Dallas Mavericks - Mark Cuban is hereby banned from sitting court side at any and all Mavericks games. Mr. Cuban will be required to sit in his private booth (a minimum of 300 feet from the court) during the game and will be kept under armed guard for the duration of the game. He is also required to get a hairstyle befitting an adult worth millions of dollars. Failure to follow this edict will result in a $1 billion fine, a public head shaving and a boot to the head.
NFL Title Recognition - The only NFL championships that will be recognized are those won in the Super Bowl era. IE If a fan gets in someones face because their team won the 1922 league title they will be fined $100 and receive a boot to the head.
Fan Taunting - It is not permissible to taunt the fan of another team if your team has won fewer championships. IE A fan of the New Orleans Saints is not permitted to get in the face of a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Violators of this rule are subject to a $250 fine and a boot to the head.
Player Taunting - If a member of a team that is being severely beaten makes a great play and taunts the members of the other team the offending player will be banned without pay for the remainder of the season, kicked in the groin by the opposing players, fined $10,000 and booted in the head.
These are just some of the rules and regulations I plan on implementing immediately. These changes will not come easily but with the help of decent sports fans everywhere I'm confident we will clean up the sports world and make things better for everyone.
Performance Enhancing Substances - Any player in any sport at any level found to be using/used PES's will be banned from all sport for life, have any official records purged from the record books, forced to work the night shift at Denny's as a wait-person dealing with the drunks that come in at 3am & always stiff on the tip. Minimum sentence 20 years and a boot to the head.
Gambling - Any player, coach, referee, umpire, judge or official of any sport at any level found to be wagering on their sport will be banned from all sport for life, forced to work on the loading dock at Home Depot for a minimum of 20 years and receive a boot to the head.
Rooting Requirements of the Fan - In order for a particular team to be your favorite team you must meet the following requirements:
1. You must reside or have resided in the city or state where that team is located. If there is no team in your state you must root for the team located the closest to your residence.
2. If rooting for a college team you must reside/resided in that school's city or state. If there is no MAJOR college in your state you must root for the school located the closest to your residence. If you take classes on-line from a particular school you are allowed to root for that team.
3. Just because a family member can legally root for a team does not mean you are allowed to do so.
Any person found to be rooting illegally will not be allowed access to a TV whenever that team is playing, any team branded apparel will be confiscated and the offender will receive a boot to the head.
Proper Wearing of Baseball or Baseball Style Caps - Baseball caps will be worn with the bill to the front and level at ALL times. The only exceptions are:
1. Boys under the age of six are permitted to wear them backwards but are not allowed to wear them sideways.
2. The person playing the position of catcher in baseball or softball is allowed to wear their cap backwards only while playing that position in the field.
3. Females of any age are allowed to wear their hats backwards but they may not wear them sideways.
Any person found to be in violation of this rule will have their hats confiscated, fined $500 and receive a boot to the head.
General Manager of the Dallas Cowboys - Jerry Jones is hereby ordered to relinquish all coaching personnel and player personnel authority. He is also banned from appearing on the sidelines at any point while the game is in progress. Failure to follow this edict will result in a $500 million fine, his toupee being removed in public and a boot to the head.
Ownership of the Dallas Mavericks - Mark Cuban is hereby banned from sitting court side at any and all Mavericks games. Mr. Cuban will be required to sit in his private booth (a minimum of 300 feet from the court) during the game and will be kept under armed guard for the duration of the game. He is also required to get a hairstyle befitting an adult worth millions of dollars. Failure to follow this edict will result in a $1 billion fine, a public head shaving and a boot to the head.
NFL Title Recognition - The only NFL championships that will be recognized are those won in the Super Bowl era. IE If a fan gets in someones face because their team won the 1922 league title they will be fined $100 and receive a boot to the head.
Fan Taunting - It is not permissible to taunt the fan of another team if your team has won fewer championships. IE A fan of the New Orleans Saints is not permitted to get in the face of a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Violators of this rule are subject to a $250 fine and a boot to the head.
Player Taunting - If a member of a team that is being severely beaten makes a great play and taunts the members of the other team the offending player will be banned without pay for the remainder of the season, kicked in the groin by the opposing players, fined $10,000 and booted in the head.
These are just some of the rules and regulations I plan on implementing immediately. These changes will not come easily but with the help of decent sports fans everywhere I'm confident we will clean up the sports world and make things better for everyone.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Geeks are NOT Nerds. Nerds are for Dorks.
OK friends let get something straight: There are Geeks and there are Nerds and us Geeks do not like being associated with Nerds. The main difference is that Geeks get it done. "It" being whatever undertaking we happen to be participating in.
A Geek is a person who is interested in technology, especially computing, gaming and new gadgets. A Geek is a person who has chosen concentration rather than conformity; one who passionately pursues skill (especially technical skill) and imagination, not mainstream social acceptance.
Geeks are found in all areas of expertise. There are physics geeks, sports geeks, gaming geeks, movie geeks, engineering geeks, sci-fi geeks, music geeks, history geeks, get the picture. Anything that you might be passionate about you can add the word geek after it and that describes who you are.
Nerds on the other hand may be knowledgeable in the fields previously mentioned (or any other) but they don't do anything with that knowledge except talk to other nerds about how cool it would be to do such and such. Nerds don't know how to socially interact. Nerds work at Radio Shack. Whereas that really cool guy or chick you met at the bar last night could be a geek about something and you'd never know it unless you got to know them.
Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Robert Goddard, Alan Shepard, Orville & Wilbur Wright were all geeks. If these people had been nerds we wouldn't have computers, video games, iPods, cell phones, airplanes, space flight or any number of devices that make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
So the next time some pencil pushing dork at the DMV pisses you off PLEASE don't compliment him by calling him a geek. Call it like it is and let him know he's a NERD! And tonight when you turn off your 50"-1080p HD plasma TV with Dolby 7.1 surround sound be sure to get on your knees and thank God for all your blessings and don't forget to thank him for all the Geeks who at some point in history said, "Won't it be cool when I get this thing to work."
A Geek is a person who is interested in technology, especially computing, gaming and new gadgets. A Geek is a person who has chosen concentration rather than conformity; one who passionately pursues skill (especially technical skill) and imagination, not mainstream social acceptance.
Geeks are found in all areas of expertise. There are physics geeks, sports geeks, gaming geeks, movie geeks, engineering geeks, sci-fi geeks, music geeks, history geeks, get the picture. Anything that you might be passionate about you can add the word geek after it and that describes who you are.
Nerds on the other hand may be knowledgeable in the fields previously mentioned (or any other) but they don't do anything with that knowledge except talk to other nerds about how cool it would be to do such and such. Nerds don't know how to socially interact. Nerds work at Radio Shack. Whereas that really cool guy or chick you met at the bar last night could be a geek about something and you'd never know it unless you got to know them.
Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Robert Goddard, Alan Shepard, Orville & Wilbur Wright were all geeks. If these people had been nerds we wouldn't have computers, video games, iPods, cell phones, airplanes, space flight or any number of devices that make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
So the next time some pencil pushing dork at the DMV pisses you off PLEASE don't compliment him by calling him a geek. Call it like it is and let him know he's a NERD! And tonight when you turn off your 50"-1080p HD plasma TV with Dolby 7.1 surround sound be sure to get on your knees and thank God for all your blessings and don't forget to thank him for all the Geeks who at some point in history said, "Won't it be cool when I get this thing to work."
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