Members of the Westboro Baptist Church (3701 Southwest 12th Street, Topeka, KS 66604, 785-273-0325, and their "pastor", Fred Phelps, are some of the most disgusting people it has ever been my misfortune to hear about.
This den of vipers are the "Christians" responsible for protesting outside military funerals claiming that every dead soldier is God's punishment for America tolerating homosexuals. They hide behind the First Amendment while carrying signs with the slogans, "Thank God For Dead Soldiers", "God Hates Your Tears", "Thank God For 9/11", and "Thank God For IED's". It disgusts me that you use the First Amendment to spew your message of hatred the same way the KKK and Neo-Nazis do in this country. It angers me that you have the nerve to call yourselves Christians. And it fills me with rage that you torment and terrorize grieving families in the name of God! You maggots are no better than Muslim extremists or Nazi skin heads.
Let me point something out to these mental midgets: God does not hate people. God hates sin, ALL sin. God loves homosexuals but He hates their sin. God even loves dirt-bags that protest military funerals but He's probably not too crazy about them committing sin in His name. If you people were really Christians you would offer comfort and support to these families during their time of sorrow. You would show them the love and compassion that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, showed for you when He died on the cross for your sins so that you wouldn't have to face the wrath of God. I have to wonder if any of the members of this "church" have ever challenged pastor Fred to show them where in the Bible the Lord says that he will smite the soldiers of a country that tolerates homosexuals? To have perverted and twisted the Word of God into this meaning Fred Phelps is either certifiably insane or possessed by Satan.
I want to remind pastor Fred and the members of his "church" that judgement and vengeance belongs to the Lord. Someday each member of this congregation will stand before God and have to answer the question, "Why did you torment and persecute your grieving brothers in My name?" And pastor Fred will have to answer the really tough question, "Why did you command others to torment and persecute their grieving brothers in My name?"
Of all the sins I will have to answer for myself I am glad that won't be two of them.
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