Someone a lot smarter than me said this:

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Travel For FREE! (One-Way)

Apparently all you have to do to travel to ANY destination in the world is be homeless in New York City. Since 2007 NYC has paid to send over 550 families to any destination in the world as long as they have family or friends that are willing to take them in once they get there. NY officials say it's cheaper to ship them out than it is to house them in the city's shelters. To house a family in a shelter for a year is $36,000. A one-way ticket to Paris, France is $6500.

What I would like to know is this: If I move to New York and don't have a place to stay can I get them to send me to Tahiti or Bermuda? Somewhere in the Caribbean would be fine. I'm sure I can find a "relative" there that would agree to let me sleep on their couch until I get my secluded beach-side hut built. Maybe I'll even open up a rum bar and serve over-priced drinks with little umbrellas in them to all the tourists. Maybe I'll even learn to play the guitar and become the next Jimmy Buffet. I've even got a name for the place, "Skeeter's Surf Shack".

Of course since this generous offer only applies to families I'll need to find a Mrs. Skeeter before I head off. If you meet the following criteria please send your application with a photo to this web-site: Applicants must be female between the ages of 21 and 24, never married, no children, super-model beautiful, and have the career goal of hanging out in a surf-side lounge all day serving drinks to tourists that have more money than good sense.

Well, since I've got all the details worked out I better get started packing. With a little luck my next blog entry will be made from my lap-top while I'm laying out on the beach with my new bride, Buffy.

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