Wow, what an idiot. I've been a huge fan of Tiger Woods on and off the course. On the course he's a brilliant golfer who settles for nothing less than perfection. Off the course he's always appeared to be a well balanced, squared away good guy. But not so much.
Here's a 35 year old guy that's got it all. He's got 100's of millions in the bank. He's well on his way to being recognized as the best golfer ever. He's got an unbelievably beautiful wife and two young children. But instead of behaving like a responsible 35 year old professional athlete and family man he's been behaving like a 19 year old frat boy away from home for the first time and nailing every nookie girl with big, fake boobs that smiles at him.
So far the nookie girl count is holding at three. I'm going to set the over/under of NG's that come forward at 8.5. Every little tramp that he's one-timed will be coming out of the wood work trying to sell their story for big money. And none of the three so far are even half as pretty as his wife! If you're going to be a cheating douche bag at least pick up hot chicks.
I have absolutely no sympathy for Tiger whatsoever. Any married man that cheats on his wife is a dirt bag. And in this case the women are scum bags too. It's not like they met some anonymous guy in a bar and didn't know he was married. Everyone of these sluts knew who Tiger was and knew he was married and had kids.
I hope the ghost of Earl Woods comes back and kicks Tiger square in the ass. I don't believe Tiger would be behaving like this if Earl was still alive. I think Earl was a big influence on Tiger when it came to him walking the straight and narrow.
If Tiger wants to save his marriage he needs to come forward now and admit everything publicly. He needs to take ownership for everything he's done wrong and beg his wife not to leave him and take the kids with her. He's no longer allowed to hide behind the shield of "my private life is my business." When you're this famous and act like a turd then you lose that privilege.
But if he wants to live the life of a rich, 19 year old douche bag then he needs get a divorce and stop trying to pass himself off as dedicated family man and professional. Hopefully he'll grow a pair and straighten his act up and try to reclaim at least a fraction of the credibility he used to have. And not for the sake of his fans and product endorsements but for the sake of his wife and children.